SPC Member Profiles

Honoring a Beloved Community Leader, David Schwake

David Schwake, RD, MSN – Force of nature; fiercely and constantly committed to feed any and all hungry children or adults; friend, protector, mentor, educator, visionary community leader, devoted husband, father, grandpa, gardener, cookie baker, fan of local farms, tireless worker; corn-shucking contest host; costume-donning child advocate; volunteer, beloved Santa Claus, famous omelet maker, an ever-upbeat innovator and the much-loved Sun Produce Co-op Board Treasurer – has passed away from COVID 19.

He touched so many lives in so many different ways, enriching us all, teaching us to find ways to say ‘yes’ and just get things done. He checked in all the time with his widespread network, knitting folks together from one end of the valley to the other and beyond, making it easier and better for school kids, families, and seniors to eat well and feel nourished and cared for while doing so. He helped shape my life for more than 30 years and has made me a better person. He will be missed dearly. I will cherish the stories and chance to work together that we made and know surely that David will live on in our hearts and memories and in all the good he has done in the community!

Cindy Gentry President

Dave Schwake Courtesy of Cronkite News